Push It for Preemies

20120903-052736.jpgToday I’m starting a month-long challenge for a great charity. Through Sweat for a Cause, a very cool fundraising website, I’ve pledged to run 50 miles for the Ace Bailey Children’s Foundation. This organization supports hospitalized children by funding the building and renovation of hospitals to focus on the softer, more family-centered side of care.

Over a year ago, my friend’s daughter was born prematurely. Thanks to the excellent care she received at the Floating Hospital for Children at Tufts Medical Center in Boston, a recipient of the Bailey Foundation’s funding, my friend and his wife have a happy and healthy little girl.

I’m glad to support this cause, and I hope you’ll join me. For just a small donation, you can pledge to get in shape through running or situps. Best of all, you’ll be helping many children get the care they need.

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