Boston Remembrance Run

bostonrunWhen tragedy strikes in a distant location, it’s easy to feel helpless. Even though we can’t always provide direct assistance to those in need, however, we can help in other ways. We can donate money to relief funds. We can donate blood (if a local hospital has a shortage, they can import blood from other locations). We can also simply show solidarity and remind the world that no matter what, we all carry on together.

That’s just what happened on this chilly morning in central Kentucky. Less than a week after the Boston Marathon bombings, a few hundred runners from the area gathered at John’s Run/Walk Shop to run in honor of those affected by the attack. It was amazing to see so many people show up on such short notice. My club, BLUEgrass Runners, normally have our Saturday runs on the other side of town, but we moved it to take part in this event, as did several other Lexington-area running clubs. Most runners were dressed in green and white, Boston’s city colors. Some wore shirts from St. Patrick’s Day races while others wore Sox, Celtics, or Bruins apparel. I myself grabbed a Bruin’s shirt and a green Sox cap, to which I added one of the black ribbons John’s was providing to the runners.

Before we took off, several people, including Lexington mayor Jim Gray, gave brief speeches, and we all sang the national anthem together. It was a beautiful moment that led into a race-like scene as the participants took off, almost forgetting that the roads weren’t closed and that we should probably stick to the sides of the street. Even as we split up into packs, the spirit of the day remained strong. I think everyone would agree the best part was knowing that as we ran, our friends, families, and fellow runners in the Boston area were no longer confined to their homes. They were as free as we were to run, to socialize, and most importantly, to feel safe again.


Here are some pictures from the run taken by the Lexington Herald-Leader. I’d also like to mention that starting Monday, I’m taking part in a Sweat for the Cause challenge to raise money for The One Fund Boston, which Boston’s mayor and Massachusetts’ governor set up to aid those affected by the attack. Please click the link above if you’d like to donate. Thank you.

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