Promotional Services

Every race is different. What works for a big city marathon might not work for a small-town 5k. That’s why we offer a variety of effective and affordable services. Several races we’ve worked with have seen record attendance for the cost of just a handful of race entries. Race directors can choose any or all of the following services, depending on which will best benefit your race and fit your budget. Fill out the contact form below for a quote.


Logo design
Get your race noticed immediately with a logo that stands out on t-shirts, websites, and print materials. We’ve designed several logos including one for the
Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure. Let RRP work with you on an eye-catching race logo in various formats suitable for web or print.

icon_printPrint material design
Runners have tons of print materials to sort through: posters hanging all over town, magazine ads, the barrage of fliers in their race packets. Make yours stand out in a memorable way with design from Reno Race Promotion.

Social media page set-up and consultation/management assistance
Engaging with your local running community through social media is essential. If you don’t have a Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or other social media profile, we can set one up for you. 

Email campaigns
One of the most effective ways of increasing sign-ups is making sure both past and potential participants know about your race and have the information they need. We’ll write and design engaging emails that inform readers and drive them to your website, social media profiles, and of course, registration page.

Race listings
Contact us to list your race for free on our calendar

While Reno Race Promotion focuses on running races, we are also available to help promote clubs, businesses, events, or whatever else suits your needs. Fundraising for a marathon or other event? We can help with that too!

To receive a quote for any of the above services, or if you have questions, please fill out the contact form. We’ll get back to you as quickly as possible:

Rates subject to change.

One response to “Promotional Services

  1. Pingback: Race Marketing Special and Komen Race for the Cure | The Running Griffin·

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